**Please note that the original article has been amended with new information about legislation governing the timetabling of Religious Education** During the last year, a number of RE teachers have asked me about the legal position of RE in the curriculum in Northern Ireland in relation to the amount of time allocated to the subject at Key Stages 3 and 4 - is there a minimum time requirement? Inevitably, the reason for the question is that their RE department is losing out in the battle over curriculum time. One of the teachers I spoke with was facing a fifty percent reduction in time at Key Stage 3 to a single 30 minute period per week. There is a legal obligation on schools to deliver RE (see the Education (NI) Order 1986 ) but, until recently, I was not aware of any clear directive on the issue of timetabling. Thankfully, however, in response t o an earlier version of this post, Bill Latimer (RE Adviser with the Belfast Board) has made the situation somewhat clearer...